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4 Program Paket Tour Setengah Hari Murah di Bali

4 paket program tour setengah hari di Bali dengan harga murah mulai dari 400,000 rupiah per mobil. Tersedia mobil terbaru Toyota Innova Reborn dan Toyota Avanza.

Tour 01
Paket Uluwatu Sunset Tour (5 – 6 jam) tempat di kunjungi

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) terletak di titik tertinggi Pulau Bali tepatnya di Desa Ungasan dengan pemandangan spektakuler Kota Denpasar, Bandara Ngurah Rai dan Pelabuhan Benoa. Daerah ini memiliki lanskap yang bagus dari tebing batu kapur yang dipotong di sekitarnya. Patung yang dipersembahkan untuk dewa Hindu Wisnu, dan tunggangannya, Garuda adalah burung mitos yang menjadi pendampingnya.
Biaya masuk tiket sebesar 125.000 rupiah per orang.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Ulu dalam bahasa Bali berarti hati, Watu artinya batu, kurang lebih artinya tempat diatas tebing batu. Pura ini dibangun pada abad ke-11 oleh pendeta Jawa Empu Kuturan atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Empu Raja Kerta. Pura yang terletak di ujung barat daya semenanjung Bali, tebing laut yang curam setinggi kurang lebih 100 meter, merupakan tempat terbaik untuk melihat matahari terbenam. Pada abad ke-16, pendeta Jawa lainnya Danghyang Nirartha mengunjungi candi ini dan menambahkan lebih banyak bangunan, ia membangun dan membuat pura lebih besar untuk kehidupan terakhirnya, ketika ia mencapai Moksa atau kebebasan. Ada banyak monyet di sekitar pura yang agak nakal.
Biaya tiket masuk sebesar 50.000 rupiah per orang.

Uluwatu Sunset

Pertunjukan Tari Kecak sangat sederhana. Paduan suara laki-laki melantunkan kata Cak ke-cak ke-cak ke-cak ke-cak ke-cak, seirama dan berulang-ulang, Karena itu disebut tari Kecak atau Cak. Tari Kecak terdiri dari sekitar lima puluh orang yang hanya mengenakan pakain sarung dengan warna hitam putih, bagian atas tubuh mereka dibiarkan telanjang. Mereka membentuk barisan lingkaran, di tengahnya ada lampu minyak kelapa. Tari Kecak dipentaskan untuk dramatari dan cerita yang disajikan diambil dari epos Ramayana.
Biaya masuk tiket sebesar 150.000 rupiah per orang.

Uluwatu Kecak Dance

Jimbaran terletak di sebelah selatan bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai, pantai ini memiliki pasir putih. Daerah ini awalnya adalah desa nelayan dengan pasar ikan. Sekarang sudah dibangun hotel mewah, Bali Intercontinental Resort dan Four Season Resort. Teluk Jimbaran terkenal dengan Restoran Sea food tepi pantai sambil menikmati matahari terbenam dan pemandangan dengan minuman dingin dan ikan bakar segar dengan live musik oleh penyanyi lokal menawarkan lagu internasional dan judul lagu bisa diminta.
Tanpa biaya masuk tiket (gratis).

Jimbaran Seafood Dinner

Harga Tour

Harga tour untuk yang tinggal di daerah Sanur, Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Nusa Dua , Jimbaran and Denpasar
Harga tour dengan mobil Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 450,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 550,000 per mobil

Harga tour untuk yang tinggal di daerah Kota Ubud and Canggu
Harga tour dengan Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 600,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 700,000 per mobil

Harga tour sudah termasuk penjemputan dan antar balik ke hotel, mobil ber AC, BBM, biaya parkir dan sopir.

Harga tour belum termasuk biaya makan dan tiket masuk.

Pembayaran dengan cash dalam rupiah setelah tour selesai.

Mobil yang tersedia untuk Uluwatu Sunset Tour

Toyota Innova Reborn
Toyota Innova Reborn
Toyota Avanza
Toyota Avanza

Jam Penjemputan untuk Uluwatu Sunset Tour

Daerah Jam Penjemputan
Nusa Dua

Tour 02
Paket Turtle Island Tour (5 – 6 jam) tempat di kunjungi

Pantai Tanjung Benoa dan Pulau Penyu Nusa Pudut terletak disebelah utara kawasan Nusa Dua. Dari Tanjung Benoa dapat mencapai Pulau Penyu dengan menyewa glass bottom boat sekitar 15 menit perjalanan (memerlukan biaya tambahan untuk ongkos perahu). Perlu membayar sumbangan kecil untuk mengunjungi Pulau Penyu dan berfoto dengan hewan lain seperti ular, burung, dan kelelawar buah. Pantai Tanjung Benoa juga sangat terkenal dengan aktivitas olahraga air parasailing adventure, jet ski, menyelam, fly fish, donut ride, wake board, banana boat, snorkeling dan sea walker.
Penawaran khusus untuk paket kegiatan olahraga air water sport dan biaya naik perahu tambahan untuk mengunjungi Pulau Penyu Nusa Pudut Baca Selengkapnya…

Nusa Pudut Turtle Island

Pantai Nusa Dua, Nusa dalam bahasa Bali berarti pulau, Dua berarti dua, ada dua pulau kecil di kawasan ini. Merupakan Resort Wisata mewah dengan pantai pasir putih yang luas di bagian selatan Pulau Bali dan menawarkan jaringan hotel bintang 5 dengan penghubung pemasaran internasional termasuk Club Med, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel, The Westin, Grand Hyatt Bali, Melia Bali, Putri Bali Hotel dan Resor Ayodya. Area resort juga menyediakan lapangan golf dan melihat water blow, di bagian selatan Nusa Dua terdapat Pantai Geger, pantai baru untuk berselancar.
Tanpa biaya masuk tiket (gratis).

Nusa Dua Beach

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) terletak di titik tertinggi Pulau Bali tepatnya di Desa Ungasan dengan pemandangan spektakuler Kota Denpasar, Bandara Ngurah Rai dan Pelabuhan Benoa. Daerah ini memiliki lanskap yang bagus dari tebing batu kapur yang dipotong di sekitarnya. Patung yang dipersembahkan untuk dewa Hindu Wisnu, dan tunggangannya, Garuda adalah burung mitos yang menjadi pendampingnya.
Biaya masuk tiket sebesar 125.000 rupiah per orang.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Harga Tour

Harga tour untuk yang tinggal di daerah Sanur, Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Nusa Dua , Jimbaran and Denpasar
Harga tour dengan mobil Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 450,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 550,000 per mobil

Harga tour untuk yang tinggal di daerah Kota Ubud and Canggu
Harga tour dengan Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 600,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 700,000 per mobil

Harga tour sudah termasuk penjemputan dan antar balik ke hotel, mobil ber AC, BBM, biaya parkir dan sopir.

Harga tour belum termasuk biaya makan dan tiket masuk.

Pembayaran dengan cash dalam rupiah setelah tour selesai.

Mobil yang tersedia untuk Turtle Island Tour

Toyota Innova Reborn
Toyota Innova Reborn
Toyota Avanza
Toyota Avanza

Jam Penjemputan untuk Turtle Island Tour

Daerah Jam Penjemputan
Nusa Dua

Tour 03
Paket Morning Ubud Tour (5 – 6 jam) tempat di kunjungi

Pertunjukan Tari Barong dan Keris di Desa Batubulan dimulai pukul 09.30 dan berakhir pada pukul 10.30. Tari Barong merupakan pertarungan internal antara roh baik (Barong) dan jahat (Rangda). Orang Bali juga percaya bahwa Barong adalah simbol pelindung. Ada bermacam-macam wajah Barong, kebanyakan adalah Barong Ket, Barong Landung dan Barong Macan.
Biaya tiket masuk sebesar 150.000 rupiah per orang.

Barong Keris Dance

Akan mengunjungi desa pengrajin perak, ukiran patung kayu dan lukisan, pengrajin emas dan perak adalah Desa Celuk, terletak di sebelah Taman Burung Bali. Nama Desa pengerajin Ukir kayu adalah Desa Mas dan Desa Kemenuh, kedua desa tersebut menghasilkan kualitas ukiran kayu yang sangat baik, patung kayu terbuat dari kayu jati, mahoni, eboni dan kembang sepatu, yang didatangkan dari pulau lain seperti Jawa, Sumatera dan Sulawesi. Nama desa lukisan adalah Batuan atau Desa Lod Tunduh, seniman di desa ini menciptakan berbagai macam lukisan yang luar biasa.
Tanpa biaya tiket masuk (gratis).

Celuk Silversmith

Monyet-monyet yang berada di dalam hutan Keramat Kera Padangtegal biasa disebut kera ekor panjang. Nama ilmiahnya adalah Macaca fascicuiaris. Ada ribuan kera di dalam hutan ini dan mereka juga hidup berkelompok, setiap kelompok ada pemimpinya. Di bagian barat terdapat Pura Dalem yang dipersembahkan untuk Dewa Siwa, di bagian timur terdapat pemakaman dan Pura Merajapati yang dipersembahkan untuk Dewi Durga (istri Dewa Siwa).
Biaya tiket masuk hari biasa untuk Dewasa 80.000 Rupiah dan Anak-anak 60,000 Rupiah
Biaya tiket masuk akhir pekan untuk Dewasa 100,000 Rupiah dan Anak-anak 80,000 Rupiah

Tempat Indah di Ubud

Pasar Ubud memiliki dua bagian yang berbeda, pasar tradisional terletak di sebelah barat pasar seni, pasar tradisional menjual makanan sehari-hari dan buka lebih awal. Pasar seni menjual berbagai kerajinan tangan, seni dan tekstil. Di sebelah pasar Ubud adalah Istana Ubud di mana Keluarga Kerajaan tinggal. Sebelah barat Puri Ubud terdapat pura yang bagus bernama Pura Saraswati yang dikelilingi Telaga Teratai.
Tidak Ada Biaya Masuk. Biaya tiket (gratis).

Ubud Market

Harga Tour

Harga Spesial bagi yang tinggal di Daerah Pusat Kota Ubud
Harga tour dengan mobil Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 400,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 500,000 per mobil

Harga tour untuk yang tinggal di daerah Sanur, Kuta, Legian, Seminyak and Denpasar
Harga tour dengan mobil Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 500,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 600,000 per mobil

Harga tour untuk yang tinggal di daerah Nusa Dua, Jimbaran and Canggu
Harga tour dengan Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 600,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 700,000 per mobil

Harga tour sudah termasuk penjemputan dan antar balik ke hotel, mobil ber AC, BBM, biaya parkir dan sopir.

Harga tour belum termasuk biaya makan dan tiket masuk.

Pembayaran dengan cash dalam rupiah setelah tour selesai.

Mobil yang tersedia untuk Morning Ubud Tour

Toyota Innova Reborn
Toyota Innova Reborn
Toyota Avanza
Toyota Avanza

Jam Penjemputan untuk Morning Ubud Tour

Daerah Jam Penjemputan
Nusa Dua

Tour 04
Paket Afternoon Ubud Tour (5 – 6 jam) tempat di kunjungi

Akan mengunjungi desa pengrajin perak, ukiran patung kayu dan lukisan, pengrajin emas dan perak adalah Desa Celuk, terletak di sebelah Taman Burung Bali. Nama Desa pengerajin Ukir kayu adalah Desa Mas dan Desa Kemenuh, kedua desa tersebut menghasilkan kualitas ukiran kayu yang sangat baik, patung kayu terbuat dari kayu jati, mahoni, eboni dan kembang sepatu, yang didatangkan dari pulau lain seperti Jawa, Sumatera dan Sulawesi. Nama desa lukisan adalah Batuan atau Desa Lod Tunduh, seniman di desa ini menciptakan berbagai macam lukisan yang luar biasa.
Tanpa biaya tiket masuk (gratis).

Celuk Silversmith

Monyet-monyet yang berada di dalam hutan Keramat Kera Padangtegal biasa disebut kera ekor panjang. Nama ilmiahnya adalah Macaca fascicuiaris. Ada ribuan kera di dalam hutan ini dan mereka juga hidup berkelompok, setiap kelompok ada pemimpinya. Di bagian barat terdapat Pura Dalem yang dipersembahkan untuk Dewa Siwa, di bagian timur terdapat pemakaman dan Pura Merajapati yang dipersembahkan untuk Dewi Durga (istri Dewa Siwa).
Biaya tiket masuk hari biasa untuk Dewasa 80.000 Rupiah dan Anak-anak 60,000 Rupiah
Biaya tiket masuk akhir pekan untuk Dewasa 100,000 Rupiah dan Anak-anak 80,000 Rupiah

Tempat Indah di Ubud

Pasar Ubud memiliki dua bagian yang berbeda, pasar tradisional terletak di sebelah barat pasar seni, pasar tradisional menjual makanan sehari-hari dan buka lebih awal. Pasar seni menjual berbagai kerajinan tangan, seni dan tekstil. Di sebelah pasar Ubud adalah Istana Ubud di mana Keluarga Kerajaan tinggal. Sebelah barat Puri Ubud terdapat pura yang bagus bernama Pura Saraswati yang dikelilingi Telaga Teratai.
Tidak Ada Biaya Masuk. Biaya tiket (gratis).

Ubud Market

Pertunjukan Tari Kecak sangat sederhana. Paduan suara laki-laki melantunkan kata Cak ke-cak ke-cak ke-cak ke-cak ke-cak, seirama dan berulang-ulang, Karena itu disebut tari Kecak atau Cak. Tari Kecak terdiri dari sekitar lima puluh orang yang hanya mengenakan pakain sarung dengan warna hitam putih, bagian atas tubuh mereka dibiarkan telanjang. Mereka membentuk barisan lingkaran, di tengahnya ada lampu minyak kelapa. Tari Kecak dipentaskan untuk dramatari dan cerita yang disajikan diambil dari epos Ramayana.
Biaya masuk tiket sebesar 150.000 rupiah per orang.

Batubulan Kecak Dance

Harga Tour

Harga Spesial bagi yang tinggal di Daerah Pusat Kota Ubud
Harga tour dengan mobil Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 400,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 500,000 per mobil

Harga tour untuk yang tinggal di daerah Sanur, Kuta, Legian, Seminyak and Denpasar
Harga tour dengan mobil Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 500,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 600,000 per mobil

Harga tour untuk yang tinggal di daerah Nusa Dua, Jimbaran and Canggu
Harga tour dengan Toyota Avanza 1- 5 orang Rp 600,000 per mobil
Harga tour dengan Toyota Innova Reborn 1 – 7 orang Rp 700,000 per mobil

Harga tour sudah termasuk penjemputan dan antar balik ke hotel, mobil ber AC, BBM, biaya parkir dan sopir.

Harga tour belum termasuk biaya makan dan tiket masuk.

Pembayaran dengan cash dalam rupiah setelah tour selesai.

Mobil yang tersedia untuk Afternoon Ubud Tour

Toyota Innova Reborn
Toyota Innova Reborn
Toyota Avanza
Toyota Avanza

Jam Penjemputan untuk Afternoon Ubud Tour

Daerah Jam Penjemputan
Nusa Dua

Kondisi Paket Tour Setengah Hari di Bali

  • Tour sudah termasuk penjemputan dan antar balik ke hotel, mobil ber AC, BBM, biaya parkir dan sopir.
  • Tour belum termasuk biaya makan dan tiket masuk.
  • Semua tour adalah private, tidak sharing dengan orang lain.
  • Harga tour sesuai dengan tempat yang dikunjungi (pakai jarak), bukan pakai waktu.
  • Sopir kita akan memilih tempat yang bagus untuk makan siang dan makan malam.
  • Harga tiket masuk yang ada di website ini akurat, mungkin ada perubahan sewaktu-waktu tanpa diketahui sebelumya.
  • Pembayaran dengan cash dalam rupiah setelah tour selesai setiap harinya.

Cara Reservasi untuk Paket Tour Setengah Hari di Bali

  • Cara booking paket full day tour di Bali silakan kasi tahu kita untuk kapan tournya dan berapa pesertanya.
  • Silakan kasi tahu kita tour program yang dipilih sesuai dengan website kita yang ada diatas.
  • Silakan kasi tahu nama hotel dan nama reservasi di hotel tersebut.

Nama Sopir dan Pemandu Wisata yang Berpengalaman

Nengah Polos
Nengah Polos
Nyoman Mudastra
Nyoman Mudastra
Nyoman Sunta
Nyoman Sunta
Wayan Sunarta
Wayan Sunarta

Komentar Positif dari Tamu Asing dan Domestik yang Pernah Ambil Tour Sama Kita

From Tran Vu Phuong

Dear Polos,
We reached home safe and sound after a wonderful honeymoon trip in Bali. 7 days in Bali was an unforgettable experience of our lives. For me, as a tour guide (like you), it is a great success. Success from getting a good service from your amazing competitive price and success from a total understanding about Bali thanks for your good English skill and knowledge. I hope more and more people will get to know about your business. I myself will surely recommend you to the next person ask me about Bali: “Just call Polos and you get it all.”
Thank you for your big smile everytime we talk,
Sincerely from Vietnam,
Tran Vu Phuong.

Licensed Balinese Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Fairweather Family

Hello Polos,
Just a quick note to thank you so very much for your services on our day trip to Ubud. It was the best part of our trip to Bali! We absolutely loved the Elephant Safari Park and the monkeys and birds were fabulous. Your smiling face and interesting commentary was a highlight. We will recommend you to all of our friends visiting Bali.I have attached a picture of you at the monkey forest with my husband Peter and our children Saffron, Charlotte and William to jog the memory….you must see so many people it is hard to remember us all! Regards,
the Fairweather Family,
Perth – Australia.

Licensed Balinese Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Charles S. Massey, CMP

Dear Polos,
I can’t thank you enough for being the most wonderful tour guide and companion we have ever experienced! We have traveled throughout the world and you showed us more of Bali in just a few days than I could have imagined. I for one am looking forward to both coming back (possibly sooner than you might think) and definitely referring groups an individuals your way. If there is any way possible I also plan to lobby my government to remove the current travel warning – from my experience and perspective there is absolutely no need for such at this point in time. Additionally, please pass along my thanks to the wonderful staff at Bali Spirit. Truly one of the best boutique properties I have ever experienced and you can be assured I’ll be back. Again thank you for your recommended. Joseph and Richard join me in passing along their most sincere thanks and we all look forward to seeing you again very soon.
Best regards
Your friend
Charles S. Massey, CMP
SYNAXIS Meetings & Events, INC
Corporate Office
8555 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90069 USA.

Licensed Balinese Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Rima

We meet Polos in 1998 and we found him to be very honest, fun and reliable and he speaks excellent English. He took us to the temples and many of the local people and also finding places that not so many tourists went, he explained to us many of the questions we had about different things we saw. I highly recommend Polos for your adventure in Bali
Austin, Texas.

Licensed Balinese Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Maya, David and Kyle

I Nengah Polos is the best driver we had while we were in Bali and we definitely had some dodgy characters to compare him to. We will use him every time we go back. His prices were spot-on, he was very helpful and took us to the best places for sight-seeing, eating and shopping. He was very patient with me (I’m a power-shopper) and put up with all my stopping and buying!  He was also great with our 11 year-old son, who still speaks of him constantly! Overall, he was an angel and very generous with his time. We really feel like we made a friend in Bali …thank you, Nengah Polos!
New York, USA.

Licensed Balinese Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Sherrene (Malaysia)

dear polos,
we had reached KL safely and we would love to thank you for the wonderful ride in Bali .
i was looking for a place to write down some good comments on ur website but couldnt find any .. so i thought i should just send u a mail to tell u that we really appreciate the trip .
it was raining heavily on monday nite and we were at the Hard Rock Cafe … we couldnt get any taxis or horse ride as the rain was so heavy … we were saying ” How nice, if polos is here !!!” … hahaha  …
thank u again and we will sure recommend u to other friends who are planning for bali trip ..  terima kasih ..

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Tsang Chiu Hing

Dear Polos
Sudah hampir setengah abad sejak saya pertama kali bertamasya ke bali, kali ini untuk kedua kali saya kembali lagi kebali, yang saya paling kwatirkan yaitu transportation untuk keliling bali dan juga untuk mengenal lebih baik kebudayaan bali saya juga perlu guide yang baik, untunglah saya menemukan web bapak Nengah Polos dimana bapak selainnya membawa mobil disamping itu juga menjadi guide inilah pilihan saya, terutama juga web bapak sangat jelas memberi keterangan setiap tour dan memberi harga yang menarik dan juga photo bapak pribadi dimuatkan dalam web, semua ini memberi keputusan terakhir untuk saya memilih bapak sebagai sopir dan guide saya selama 7 hari di bali, selama 7 hari kita bersama keliling bali terbuktilah pilihan saya tidak salah, bapak honest dan politely dengan sabar memberi keterangan pada saya untuk lebih mengerti kebudayaan bali.
Terima kasih atas segalanya
Tsang Chiu Hing
Hong Kong.

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Paul and Lidiya

Hi Polos!
Thank you very much for the nice three days we spent in Bali as our driver and tour guide.
You introduced us very interesting and unique culture of Bali. It is something really unbelievable.
During these three days you showed us a lot of interesting places and now we can easily say that I KNOW BALI ?
Everything was very good.
Success in you business!
See you somewhere in the World!!!
Regards from Ukraine!
Paul, Lidiya.

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Rachel, Allana and Ian

Hi Polos
A note from Perth, Western Australia to say thank you very much for the wonderful day that we spent with you whilst on our holiday in Bali. I must say that the time spent with you is one of our highlights, and your attention to detail is greatly appreciated.
I have attached a couple of pictures that I thought you may like… I especially like the happy girl in the ricefield.
We wish you all the best for you and your family, and trust you will do extremely well with your future adventures.
Kindest regards

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Lisa Plugowski

Hi Polos! Remember me Lisa and Tony???? I promised you the pictures when I got them in to an album, well here they are. You are on there somewhere. I hope you like them. I hope you are ok and I told everyone about what a great tour guide you were. Thankyou for making out trip wonderful.
Lisa Plugowski

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Vlad Vasilyev

Hi Polos, I and my friend Vassily have meet you on Bali on November 2008. Please find attached our photo. I apologize for the delay with sending this photo to you. Thank you very much for your interesting tours and stories about Bali, local people, culture and traditions. Thank you for your quality service and hospitality! We were very happy to meet you and will recommend you to our friends.
Best wishes, Vlad Vasilyev St.Petersburg, Russia.

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Cathy and Xilas

Hi there polos, Thanks for the nice trip and luv ur spacious kijang! And it’s so surprising Xilas can even meet you on Ubud street! And I reli appreciate you sending my bottle back to Tegal Sari .. I wanted to put review in ur website but .. seems like nowhere for me to click to enter my comments! Anyway attched here our pics taken together. Cathy and Xilas (Malaysia).

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Jonathan Travers

Hello Polos !
We are now back in Paris after our great holiday in Bali. Thank you VERY much for your wonderful visits around the island, it really made the holiday very special.  Thanks you for being patient with all our questions and for showing us some beautiful places and adapting the day trip as we wished. We really recommend all who visit your wonderful island to discover it with Bali Day Trip ! We have also attached a photo of all of us with you during one of the visits. With very best regards & thanks again from the Travers family (Jonathan, Carole, Benoit, Hugo & Olivia) France.

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Sing Yew and Pty

Dear Mr. ‘yeng’ Polos!
Hallo, how are you lately? i am sure you are very busy with tours right? i hope everything is smooth and life is full of excitement for you! all of us here miss you lots! we are hoping to go back to Bali again one day, i do plan to do so with my family then i will surely meet you again then! please do come to malaysia next time ok?here are just some of the photos that we took together and also some group photo of us, just in case you don’t remember our faces or miss us, there was one taken without warning and you were laughing and you look handsome when you laugh!  i hope you would enjoy them. if you would like some more, please e-mail me back ok? by the way, how do i leave a comment at your website? i wish to do so if i may have the permission from you!
with the warmest regards,
sing yew

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Siau Lee

Hi Polos,
How are you doing?
Here is the photo we took together at Besakih Temple.
Sorry that it’s quite late to send you this photo.
We really enjoyed our trip in Bali.
It is so memorable.
Wish you and your family all the best 
Best regards
Siau Lee.

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Alan Ong

Dear Polos,
My mum and i wish to thank you for making our Bali trip so memorable although it is just a short 2 days duration. You never fail to explain the cultures and history of each destination. All these deeply enriches me the knowledge of Bali. Also, you are a very punctual driver which always on time. Now i deeply love Bali more and i will definately visit the lovely island again for sure. I had forward 2 photos here for you to keep it as a gift. Do keep in contacts.
Wishing you all the best in your business !!!!! Hope to see you soon again.
Best Regards,
Alan and mum

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Dieter and Barbara

Dear Polos,
Barbara and I are home in San Diego, and we want to tell once again how much we enjoyed touring Bali over three days with you. Thank for introducing us to your beautiful Island, its people, culture, and scenery. You were a fountain of information, and we certainly learnt a great deal about Bali from you. Should you ever need a reference, feel free to use us.
Attached is a snapshot of the two of us.
Best regards,
Dieter and Barbara.

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Lois O’keefe and Jon Keith

Hello Polos,
I have sent 2 photos taken when we spent the day with you recently.  I want to thank you for the wonderful sight-seeing trip we had with you and I really want to thank you for waiting for us when we were delayed for 3 hours getting off the ship.  I didn’t expect to see you still there after all that time, so to see your smiling face was just great.  We loved our short time in Bali and really want to come back for a longer holiday some time soon.  When we do, we want you to be our driver every day if that is possible.  We have told our friends in Australia that if they are ever in Bali they should not have any other guide except you.
Thank you once again for looking after us so well, we are happy to recommend your services to any one who wants to call us at home in Australia. 
Our best regards to you and your family.
Lois O’keefe and Jon Keith.

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Vikki Jones

Hi Polos,
Just wanted to say a huge thankyou for showing us around for 2 days. They were the highlight of our holiday. You were so friendly and easy to be around and it was nice hearing all of your knowledge on Bali. It was a shame our daughter Chelsea was sick in the afternoon but we thank you for your concern. We will recommend you to all of our friends that travel to Bali. Kindest Regards Vikki, Bill, Liam, Tricia, Chelsea, Nelson and Hollyx See you next time.!
(Perth, Australia).

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Ingrid & Hugues

Dear Polos,
We are now back to Belgium with plenty of nice memories from Bali in our mind.We would like to thank you and your drivers for the excellent service you provided us during our 2 weeks stay in Ubud.  Your staff is very professional, friendly and drive in a safe way.  It was a real pleasure to discover Bali with you.Kind regards,
Ingrid & Hugues.

Licensed Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nengah Polos

From Allan Mai

hi Mr Polos
We just arrived in Singapore this afternoon. Thanks very much for all your tour arrangements and the wonderful driver. Nyoman is super nice to us. My family really enjoyed the trip.
We hope to see you guys again. Best luck to your family and business.
Your friends from VN.

From Harry

Hi Polos,
              I would like to give you a big thank-you (***** five star) for providing me the service and allocating me a very good and generous drive to take me around with my family while in Bali. He is a very nice and helpfull tour guide and driver. It’s been a very memorable trip so far. Though, i don’t have the opportunity to meet you in person, i do have a glimpse of you on the way back to my hotel courtesy of your driver.
              Thanks anywhere for the service provided and do send my best regards to the driver you allocate me for his kindness and good driving. Hopefull, we’ll see you guys on our return trip in the near future.
Thanks & regards,

From Bapak Hendro & Sekeluarga

Ibu Suwarni,
Kami sekeluarga sangat menikmati
liburan kali ini.
Kami mendapatkan pelayanan dari
Bpk. Polos lebih dari harapan semula.
Please convey our thanks to Bpk. Polos
& keep this friendly service.
Best regards,

From Kalaimagan (Morgan)

Good afternoon Bapak Polos,
This is Kalaimagan from Malaysia. If you still remember me I was there with my family from 6-10 th. June, 2011 and we stayed in OASIS Kuta.
Bapak Polos, I write today to let you know how much we appreciated your services during the tours you took us to. It was truly memorable and we will surely look for you again the next time we return to Bali.
I have spoken so much about you and your expertise to my friends so that they engage you when they go to Bali next. As a matter of fact a friend just took your contact number as her brother will be going to Bali tomorrow. I know it is very short notice and you may already have been booked but see if you can help them.
Anyway, my family and I had a very good time in Bali, thanks to you and like I said earlier, we will surely look for you again when we come next. On the same note, if you are ever coming to Malaysia, especially Kuala Lumpur, please do not hesitate to call me up. I will be more than happy to show you around, no guide fee as you are a friend… hahaha!
Our regards to your family.
Kalaimagan (Morgan).

From Chai

I got back to Malaysia from Bali a few days ago, and I’m happy with your driver Mr Nyoman Mudastra.
He is a very careful driver, and my wife is very prone to car sick, especially on mountain roads, but we didn’t have to worry under his care. He drives very carefully. During our trip from Ubud to Uluwatu, we were caught in a terrible Kuta area jam, and he started driving more aggressively just to ensure that we get to see the sunset at Uluwatu. Thankfully, we managed to reach there just in time, and if we arrived 5 minutes late, we would have missed the sunset. He speaks good English.
I will definitely recommend my friends to look for you guys as their driver if they visit Bali! Chai.

Balinese Driver : Nyoman Mudastra

From Mohamaad Hafeez

Selamat pagi,
We have returned to Singapore from our great holiday in Bali. We would like to stress that the holiday would not have been complete without Mr Nyoman. Mr Nyoman was a very patient guide who accommodated each of our requests. My wife was exceptionally impressed with Mr Nyoman’s safe driving habit. In busy Bali, having a guide like Mr Nyoman was very assuring. He made sure we reached our destinations on time safely.
Once again, I would like to extend my warmest appreciation to Mr Nyoman and also to the wonderful team for making our holiday a memorable one. I have attached a few pictures which we took with Mr Nyoman at Uluwatu for his viewing.
Thanks Pak!
Mohamaad Hafeez


Balinese Driver : Nyoman Mudastra

From Cherry

Hi polos,
Do you remember us? This is cherry,greeting from shanghai,china. Also,please give my regards to Nyoman Mudastra.Thanks him for his patience and safe driving on those mountain roads.
We really appreciate your guiding during our stay in Bali. Kind people,beautiful scenery,every moment in bali left a memorable impression on us. Hope that we could meet you again in Bali.
Best wishes to you all. Gonna miss you guys and the island~
Best Regards

Balinese Driver : Nyoman Mudastra

From Miss Ong

Dear Surwani,
We enjoy the holiday from 16/11/2010 to 20/11/2010, thank you very much for your nice, warm and good service during our holiday.
I will definitely intruduce my friends and relative to you when they go to visit Bali.
One of my frient he will go to Bali on December, I will pass your e-mail information to him.
One of your driver call Nyoman _________who with us four (4) days, he is  very helpful, kindness and friendly driver. May I know his name , please send our regards to him, especially from my son, Wei Xiang, he miss him.
If we go Bali again, sure will contact you again.
Next year, we have two family will visit Jakarta & Bandung, may I know you got any friend/tour company can intruduce, we will arrival at Jakarta Airport and Depart from bandung Airport. total 6 day 5 nights.
Once again, on behalf of our family, we  apperciate all your services.
Thank you.
from Miss Ong.

Balinese Driver : Nyoman Mudastra

From Charley Santoso

Dear Suwarni,
I would like to thank you very much for your hospitality during our holidays in Bali,
especially thanks so much for Mr. Nyoman who is very patient and friendly during
2 days with us.
My son Kentaro was also very happy for his first time visiting Bali especially enjoying
the water sport including rafting and bungy jump.
I sure will recommend my friends to contact you if they have plan holidays in Bali.
Best regards,

Balinese Driver : Nyoman Mudastra

From Sunnie (Malaysia)

Hi Polos,
we are very happy and enjoy our honeymoon trip, you and nyoman very nice…
yesterday my maid fry the Nyoman giving coffee bean, very delicious…very smell….
i want to buy from Nyoman that fresh coffee bean later…hehe..
my mother in law heard us talk about you lead us to many place, and your person very nice…she very interesting to ask you be her driver + tour guide later, i will let you know her date.
thanks again.

Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nyoman Sunta

From Eva & Richard Pachota

Hi Polos,
Can you please forward those photos to Mr. Nyoman Suntayasa and tell him that we are  already back in Sydney and still thinking about the good time we had with Nyoman on our day trip to the east cost of Bali
We would like to thank him for his professionalism and for looking after us during our trip and we do regret that we have not taken other trips with your drivers but there is always next time because that was not  our last trip to Bali  
I hope that you Guys enjoy the Galungah Celebrations
Warm Regards from very cold Sydney
Eva & Richard Pachota.

Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nyoman Sunta

From Mohamad Jusri Bin Bahrom

Hello Polos,
I’ve returned from Bali for quite some time & would like to comment on Nyoman. He’s a great person, very knowledgeable, kind & willing to serve. We had a great time there & thanks a lot to him for making it so.
I have some pics of Nyoman here & do send our regards to him. Hope he’s doing well & hope to go to Bali soon.
Take care
With Warmest Regards,
Mohamad Jusri Bin Bahrom (Malaysia)

Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nyoman Sunta

From Apit and Firends

Dear Nyoman Surwani/Nengah Polos,
Kami ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Bali Day Trip dengan
memberikan perkhidmatan dan nasihat yang sangat baik sepanjang percutian
kami di Bali. Kami berasa sangat teruja dan seronok ketika berada di Bali.
Ucapan terima kasih tidak terhingga juga kepada Pak Nyoman Suntaysa kerana memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik dan tidak pernah kenal erti jemu
sepanjang memanduannya. Dia banyak juga bercerite mengenai sejarah2 bali dan juga beradaban di Bali. Terima Kasih Pak Nyoman Suntaysa.
Di sini, kami attach gamba2 yang sempat kami ambil ketika berada di Bali. Juga kami kepilkan sekali Gambar Pak Nyoman Suntaysa seperti yang diminta tempoh hari.
Semoga kite berjumpa lagi di masa hadapan, saya juga akhiri dengan serangkap pantun :-
Kalau ada sumur di ladang,
Boleh kami tumpang mandi,
Kalau ada umur yang panjang,
Semoga kita berjumpa lagi.
Terima Kasih kepada semua.
Apit & frens (Malaysia).

Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nyoman Sunta

From Ivy Low

Hi Polos,
Thanks for reccomending Nyoman as our guide on our trip at Bali last week.
He was really hospitable and explained to us all the questions we had for him.
Attached are photo. please kindly pass them on to him. Thanks!
Ivy Malaysia.

Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nyoman Sunta

From Tran Kim Loan

Dear Polos, 
I had come back from Bali vacation. Thanks for your supported during time we were stayed there. Please give thanks to Mr. Nyoman Suntayasa too. He was very enthusiasm in driving & guiding us during days tour.
We had some photo with Mr. Nyoman Suntayasa in attact file. Please send to him.
Thanks & BRGDS,
Tran Kim Loan

Bali Driver Tour Guide : Nyoman Sunta

Email : info@bali-water-sports.com
No HP  081-2395-6828
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